Source code for deltasigma._mapQtoR

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Module providing the mapQtoR function
# Copyright 2013 Giuseppe Venturini
# This file is part of python-deltasigma.
# python-deltasigma is a 1:1 Python replacement of Richard Schreier's
# MATLAB delta sigma toolbox (aka "delsigma"), upon which it is heavily based.
# The delta sigma toolbox is (c) 2009, Richard Schreier.
# python-deltasigma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# LICENSE file for the licensing terms.

"""Module providing the mapQtoR() function

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np

[docs]def mapQtoR(ABCD): """Map a quadrature ABCD matrix to a real one. Each element :math:`z` in :math:`ABCD` is replaced by a 2x2 matrix in ``ABCDr``, the return value. Specifically: .. math:: z \\rightarrow \\begin{bmatrix} x & -y \\\\ y & x \\\\ \\end{bmatrix} \\mathrm{where}\\ x = Re(z)\\ \\mathrm{and}\\ y = Im(z) The non-quadrature topology then can be simulated with :func:`simulateDSM`. **Example:** :: import numpy as np from deltasigma import * nlev = 9 f0 = 1./16. osr = 32 M = nlev - 1 ntf = synthesizeQNTF(4, osr, f0, -50, -10) N = 64*osr f = int(np.round((f0 + 0.3*0.5/osr)*N)/N) u = 0.5*M*np.exp(2j*np.pi*f*np.arange(N)) # Instead of calling simulateQDSM # v = simulateQDSM(u, ntf, nlev) # it's faster to run: ABCD = realizeQNTF(ntf, 'FF') ABCDr = mapQtoR(ABCD) ur = np.vstack((np.real(u), np.imag(u))) vr = simulateDSM(ur, ABCDr, nlev*np.array([[1],[1]])) v = vr[0,:] + 1j*vr[1, :] .. note:: The scheme above often results in a shorter simulation time compared to calling :func:`simulateQDSM` directly. """ A = np.zeros((2*ABCD.shape[0], 2*ABCD.shape[1])) A[::2, ::2] = np.real(ABCD) A[1::2, 1::2] = np.real(ABCD) A[::2, 1::2] = -np.imag(ABCD) A[1::2, ::2] = +np.imag(ABCD) return A