Source code for deltasigma._realizeQNTF

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Module providing the realizeQNTF function
# Copyright 2015 Giuseppe Venturini
# This file is part of python-deltasigma.
# python-deltasigma is a 1:1 Python replacement of Richard Schreier's
# MATLAB delta sigma toolbox (aka "delsigma"), upon which it is heavily based.
# The delta sigma toolbox is (c) 2009, Richard Schreier.
# python-deltasigma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# LICENSE file for the licensing terms.

"""Module providing the realizeQNTF() function

from __future__ import division, print_function

import numpy as np

from numpy.random import rand

from ._evalTF import evalTF
from ._partitionABCD import partitionABCD
from ._utils import _get_zpk, diagonal_indices

[docs]def realizeQNTF(ntf, form='FB', rot=False, bn=0.): """Convert a quadrature NTF into an ABCD matrix The basic idea is to equate the value of the loop filter at a set of points in the z-plane to the values of :math:`L_1 = 1-1/H` at those points. The order of the zeros is used when mapping the NTF onto the chosen topology. Supported structures are: * 'FB': Feedback * 'PFB': Parallel feedback * 'FF': Feedforward (bn is the coefficient of the aux DAC) * 'PFF': Parallel feedforward Not currently supported - feel free to send in a patch: * 'FBD': FB with delaying quantizer * 'FFD': FF with delaying quantizer **Parameters:** ntf : lti object or supported description The NTF to be converted. form : str, optional The form to be used. See above for the currently supported topologies. Defaults to ``'FB'``. rot : bool, optional Set ``rot`` to ``True`` to rotate the states to make as many coefficients as possible real. bn : float, optional Coefficient of the auxiliary DAC, to be specified for a 'FF' form. Defaults to ``0.0``. **Returns:** ABCD : ndarray ABCD realization of the requested type. """ #Code common to all forms ntf_z, ntf_p, _ = _get_zpk(ntf) order = ntf_p.shape[0] form = form.upper() A = np.diag(ntf_z) subdiag = diagonal_indices(A, -1) A[subdiag] = 1. if form == 'PFB' or form == 'PFF': # partition the NTF zeros into in-band and image-band for _ in range(2): # if the zeros are not correctly sorted, we sort them here fz = np.angle(ntf_z)/(2*np.pi) f0 = fz[0] inband_zeros = np.abs(fz - f0) < np.abs(fz + f0) ntf_z, inband_zeros = _move_zeros_to_the_end(ntf_z, inband_zeros) n_in = np.sum(inband_zeros) imageband_zeros = np.logical_not(inband_zeros) n_im = np.sum(imageband_zeros) if np.any(np.logical_not(imageband_zeros[n_in:])): # this should never happen. raise ValueError('Please put the image-band zeros at the end of' + ' the ntf zeros') if n_im > 0: A[n_in, n_in-1] = 0. D = np.zeros(shape=(1, 2), dtype='complex128') # Find a set of points in the z-plane that are not close to zeros of H zSet = np.zeros((2*order, ), dtype='complex128') for i in range(2*order): z = 2*rand(1) - 1 + 1j*(2*rand(1) - 1) while np.any(np.abs(z - ntf_z) < 0.1) or np.any(np.abs(z - zSet)) < 0.1: z = 2*rand(1) - 1 + 1j*(2*rand(1) - 1) zSet[i] = z[0] # Evaluate L1 = 1-1/H at these points L1 = 1.0 - 1.0/evalTF(ntf, zSet) if form == 'FB': B = np.zeros(shape=(order, 2), dtype='complex128') C = np.hstack((np.zeros((1, order-1), dtype='complex128'), np.atleast_2d(1))) # Compute F = C * inv(zI-A) at each z in zSet F = np.zeros((zSet.shape[0], order), dtype='complex128') I = np.eye(order) for i in range(zSet.shape[0]): F[i, :] =, np.linalg.inv(zSet[i]*I - A)) B[:, 1] = np.linalg.lstsq(F, L1)[0] if rot == True: ABCD = np.vstack((np.hstack((A, B[:, 1].reshape((-1, 1)))), np.hstack((C, np.atleast_2d(0))))) for i in range(order): phi = np.angle(ABCD[i, -1]) ABCD[i, :] = ABCD[i, :]*np.exp(-1j*phi) ABCD[:, i] = ABCD[:, i]*np.exp(+1j*phi) A, B2, C, _ = partitionABCD(ABCD) B[:, 1] = np.squeeze(B2) B[0, 0] = np.abs(B[0, 1]) elif form == 'PFB': B = np.zeros((order, 2), dtype='complex128') C = np.hstack((np.zeros((1, n_in-1)), np.ones((1, 1)), np.zeros((1, n_im-1)), np.ones((1, 1)))) # Compute F = C * inv(zI-A) at each z in zSet F = np.zeros((zSet.shape[0], order), dtype='complex128') I = np.eye(order) for i in range(zSet.shape[0]): F[i, :] =, np.linalg.inv(zSet[i]*I - A)) B[:, 1] = np.linalg.lstsq(F, L1)[0] if rot == True: ABCD = np.vstack((np.hstack((A, B[:, 1].reshape((-1, 1)))), np.hstack((C, np.atleast_2d(0))))) for i in range(order): phi = np.angle(ABCD[i, -1]) ABCD[i, :] = ABCD[i, :]*np.exp(-1j*phi) ABCD[:, i] = ABCD[:, i]*np.exp(+1j*phi) A, B2, C, _ = partitionABCD(ABCD) B[:, 1] = np.squeeze(B2) B[0, 0] = np.abs(B[0, 1]) elif form == 'FF': B0 = np.vstack((np.atleast_2d(1), np.zeros((order-1, 1), dtype='complex128'))) B = B0.copy() B[-1, 0] = bn # Compute F = inv(zI-A)*B at each z in zSet F = np.zeros((order, zSet.shape[0]), dtype='complex128') I = np.eye(order) for i in range(zSet.shape[0]): F[:, i] = np.squeeze([i]*I - A), B)) L1 = L1.reshape((-1, 1)) C = np.linalg.lstsq(F.T, L1)[0].T if rot == True: ABCD = np.vstack((np.hstack((A, B)), np.hstack((C, np.atleast_2d(0))))) for i in range(1, order-1): phi = np.angle(ABCD[-1, i]) ABCD[i, :] = ABCD[i, :]*np.exp(+1j*phi) ABCD[:, i] = ABCD[:, i]*np.exp(-1j*phi) A, B, C, _ = partitionABCD(ABCD) B = np.hstack((-B0, B)) elif form == 'PFF': B0 = np.vstack((np.atleast_2d(1), np.zeros((order-1, 1), dtype='complex128'))) B = B0.copy() B[n_in] = 1. # Compute F = inv(zI-A)*B at each z in zSet F = np.zeros((order, zSet.shape[0]), dtype='complex128') I = np.eye(order) for i in range(zSet.shape[0]): F[:, i] = np.squeeze([i]*I - A), B)) L1 = L1.reshape((-1, 1)) C = np.linalg.lstsq(F.T, L1)[0].T C = C[:, ::-1] if rot == True: ABCD = np.vstack((np.hstack((A, B)), np.hstack((C, np.zeros((1, 1)))))) for i in range(1, order-1): phi = np.angle(ABCD[-1, i]) ABCD[i, :] = ABCD[i, :]*np.exp(+1j*phi) ABCD[:, i] = ABCD[:, i]*np.exp(-1j*phi) A, B, C, _ = partitionABCD(ABCD) B = np.hstack((B0, B)) else: raise ValueError('Sorry, form %s is not supported.' % form) ABCD = np.vstack((np.hstack((A, B)), np.hstack((C, D)))) return ABCD
def _move_zeros_to_the_end(ntf_z, inband_zeros): """RealizeQNTF requires the imageband zeros to be put at the end of the list of zeros. This function ensures exactly that. """ to_the_end = [i for i, iz in enumerate(inband_zeros) if not iz] for i, orig in enumerate(to_the_end): ntf_z = np.append(ntf_z, ntf_z[orig - i]) ntf_z = np.delete(ntf_z, orig - i) inband_zeros = np.append(inband_zeros, inband_zeros[orig - i]) inband_zeros = np.delete(inband_zeros, orig - i) return ntf_z, inband_zeros