# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# _PlotExampleSpectrum.py
# Miscellaneous functions and stdlib wrappers for MATLAB functions
# that do not find a direct replacement in numpy/scipy.
# Copyright 2013 Giuseppe Venturini
# This file is part of python-deltasigma.
# python-deltasigma is a 1:1 Python replacement of Richard Schreier's
# MATLAB delta sigma toolbox (aka "delsigma"), upon which it is heavily based.
# The delta sigma toolbox is (c) 2009, Richard Schreier.
# python-deltasigma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# LICENSE file for the licensing terms.
"""This module provides the PlotExampleSpectrum function.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
from numpy.fft import fft, fftshift
from ._calculateSNR import calculateSNR
from ._circ_smooth import circ_smooth
from ._dbp import dbp
from ._dbv import dbv
from ._ds_f1f2 import ds_f1f2
from ._ds_hann import ds_hann
from ._evalTF import evalTF
from ._figureMagic import figureMagic
from ._simulateDSM import simulateDSM
from ._simulateQDSM import simulateQDSM
from ._undbv import undbv
[docs]def PlotExampleSpectrum(ntf, M=1, osr=64, f0=0, quadrature=False):
"""Plot a spectrum suitable to exemplify the NTF performance.
ntf : scipy 'lti' object, tuple or ndarray
The first argument may be one of the various supported
representations for a (SISO) transfer function or an
ABCD matrix. See :func:`evalTF` for a more detailed
f0 : float, optional
The center frequency. Normalized. Defaults to 0.
M : int, optional
M is defined as:
.. math::
M = n_{lev} - 1
The number of quantizer levels (:math:`n_{lev}`) defaults to 2 and
``M`` defaults to 1.
quadrature : boolean, optional
Whether the delta sigma modulator is a quadrature
modulator or not. Defaults to ``False``.
.. plot::
import pylab as plt
from deltasigma import synthesizeNTF, PlotExampleSpectrum
order = 3
osr = 32
f0 = 0.
Hinf = 1.5
ntf = synthesizeNTF(order, osr, 0, Hinf, f0)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5))
PlotExampleSpectrum(ntf, M=1, osr=osr, f0=f0)
f1, f2 = ds_f1f2(osr, f0, quadrature)
delta = 2
Amp = undbv(-3) # Test tone amplitude, relative to full-scale.
# f below is the test tone frequency offset from f0, relative to bw.
# (It will be adjusted to be an fft bin)
f = 0.3
N = 2**12
f1_bin = np.round(f1*N)
f2_bin = np.round(f2*N)
fin = round(((1 - f)/2*f1 + (f + 1)/2*f2) * N)
if not quadrature:
t = np.arange(0, N).reshape((1, -1))
u = Amp*M*np.cos((2*np.pi/N)*fin*t)
v, _, xmax, y = simulateDSM(u, ntf, M+1)
t = np.arange(0, N).reshape((1, -1))
u = Amp*M*np.exp((2j*np.pi/N)*fin*t)
v, _, xmax, y = simulateQDSM(u, ntf, M+1)
window = ds_hann(N)
NBW = 1.5/N
spec0 = fft(v * window)/(M*N/4)
if not quadrature:
freq = np.linspace(0, 0.5, N/2 + 1)
plt.plot(freq, dbv(spec0[:N/2 + 1]), 'c', linewidth=1)
spec_smoothed = circ_smooth(np.abs(spec0)**2., 16)
plt.plot(freq, dbp(spec_smoothed[:N/2 + 1]), 'b', linewidth=3)
Snn = np.abs(evalTF(ntf, np.exp(2j*np.pi*freq)))**2 * 2/12*(delta/M)**2
plt.plot(freq, dbp(Snn*NBW), 'm', linewidth=1)
snr = calculateSNR(spec0[f1_bin:f2_bin + 1], fin - f1_bin)
msg = 'SQNR = %.1fdB\n @ A = %.1fdBFS & osr = %.0f\n' % \
(snr, dbv(spec0[fin]), osr)
if f0 < 0.25:
plt.text(f0 + 1 / osr, - 15, msg, horizontalalignment='left',
plt.text(f0 - 1 / osr, - 15, msg, horizontalalignment='right',
plt.text(0.5, - 135, 'NBW = %.1e ' % NBW, horizontalalignment='right',
figureMagic((0, 0.5), 1./16, None, (-140, 0), 10, None)
spec0 = fftshift(spec0 / 2)
freq = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, N + 1)
freq = freq[:-1]
plt.plot(freq, dbv(spec0), 'c', linewidth=1)
spec_smoothed = circ_smooth(abs(spec0)**2, 16)
plt.plot(freq, dbp(spec_smoothed), 'b', linewidth=3)
Snn = abs(evalTF(ntf, np.exp(2j * np.pi * freq))) ** 2 * 2 / 12 * (delta / M) ** 2
plt.plot(freq, dbp(Snn*NBW), 'm', linewidth=1)
snr = calculateSNR(spec0[N/2 + f1_bin:N/2 + f2_bin + 1], fin - f1_bin)
msg = 'SQNR = %.1fdB\n @ A = %.1fdBFS & osr = %.0f' % \
(snr, dbv(spec0[N/2 + fin]), osr)
if f0 >= 0:
plt.text(f0 - 0.05, - 15, msg, horizontalalignment='right',
plt.text(f0 + 0.05, - 15, msg, horizontalalignment='left',
plt.text(-0.5, -135, ' NBW = %.1e' % NBW, horizontalalignment='left',
figureMagic((-0.5, 0.5), 0.125, None, (-140, 0), 10, None)