Source code for deltasigma._bquantize
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Bipolar quantization module
# Copyright 2013 Giuseppe Venturini
# This file is part of python-deltasigma.
# python-deltasigma is a 1:1 Python replacement of Richard Schreier's
# MATLAB delta sigma toolbox (aka "delsigma"), upon which it is heavily based.
# The delta sigma toolbox is (c) 2009, Richard Schreier.
# python-deltasigma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# LICENSE file for the licensing terms.
"""This module provides the bquantize() function, used to bidirectionally
quantize a vector to signed digits.
from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
from ._constants import eps
from ._utils import empty, mfloor
[docs]def bquantize(x, nsd=3, abstol=eps, reltol=10 * eps):
"""Bidirectionally quantize a 1D vector ``x`` to ``nsd`` signed digits.
This method will terminate early if the error is less than the specified
The quantizer details are repeated here for the user's convenience:
The quantizer is ideal, producing integer outputs centered about zero.
Quantizers with an even number of levels are of the mid-rise type and
produce outputs which are odd integers. Quantizers with an odd number
of levels are of the mid-tread type and produce outputs which are even
.. image:: ../doc/_static/quantizer_model.png
:align: center
:alt: Quantizer model
x : array_like or sequence
the data to be quantized.
nsd : int, optional
The number of signed digits.
abstol and reltol : floats, optional
If not supplied, the absolute tolerance and the relative
tolerance default to ``eps`` and ``10*eps``, resp.
y : list
List of objects described below.
``y`` is a list of instances with the same length as ``x`` and the
following attributes:
* ``y[i].val`` is the quantized value in floating-point form,
* ``y[i].csd`` is a 2-by-nsd (or less) matrix containing
the powers of two (first row) and their signs (second row).
.. seealso::
:func:`bunquantize`, :func:`ds_quantize`
n = x.shape[0] if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) else len(x)
#q = np.zeros((2*n, nsd)) in the original source #rep?
y = [empty() for i in range(n)]
offset = -np.log2(0.75)
for i in range(n):
xp = x[i]
y[i].val = 0.
y[i].csd = np.zeros((2, 0), dtype='int16')
for _ in range(nsd):
error = np.abs(y[i].val - x[i])
if error <= abstol and error <= np.abs(x[i]) * reltol: # rep? in the orig: or
p = mfloor(np.log2(np.abs(xp)) + offset)
p2 = 2 ** p
sx = np.sign(xp)
xp = xp - sx * p2
y[i].val = y[i].val + sx * p2
addme = np.array((p, sx)).reshape((2, 1))
y[i].csd = np.concatenate((y[i].csd, addme), axis=1)
return y