# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# _realizeNTF.py
# Module providing realizeNTF
# Copyright 2013 Giuseppe Venturini
# This file is part of python-deltasigma.
# python-deltasigma is a 1:1 Python replacement of Richard Schreier's
# MATLAB delta sigma toolbox (aka "delsigma"), upon which it is heavily based.
# The delta sigma toolbox is (c) 2009, Richard Schreier.
# python-deltasigma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# LICENSE file for the licensing terms.
"""Module providing realizeNTF()
from __future__ import division, print_function
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
from ._calculateTF import calculateTF
from ._evalRPoly import evalRPoly
from ._evalTF import evalTF
from ._stuffABCD import stuffABCD
from ._utils import _get_zpk, carray, cplxpair
[docs]def realizeNTF(ntf, form='CRFB', stf=None):
"""Convert an NTF into coefficients for the desired structure.
ntf : a zpk transfer function
The modulator noise transfer function (NTF)
form : string
A structure identifier.
Supported structures are:
* *"CRFB"*: Cascade of resonators, feedback form.
* *"CRFF"*: Cascade of resonators, feedforward form.
* *"CIFB"*: Cascade of integrators, feedback form.
* *"CIFF"*: Cascade of integrators, feedforward form.
* *"CRFBD"*: CRFB with delaying quantizer.
* *"CRFFD"*: CRFF with delaying quantizer.
* *"PFF"*: Parallel feed-forward.
* *"Stratos"*: A CIFF-like structure with non-delaying resonator feedbacks,
contributed to the MATLAB Delta Sigma toolbox in 2007 by Jeff Gealow.
See the accompanying documentation (:ref:`topologies-diagrams`) for
block diagrams of each structure.
.. note:
The order of the NTF zeros must be (real, complex conj. pairs).
The order of the zeros is used when mapping the NTF onto the chosen
stf : a zpk transfer function, optional
the Signal Transfer Function
a, g, b, c : tuple of ndarrays
the coefficients for the desired structure
Determine the coefficients for a 5th-order modulator with the
cascade-of-resonators structure, feedback (CRFB) form.::
from deltasigma import synthesizeNTF, realizeNTF
H = synthesizeNTF(5, 32, 1)
a, g, b, c = realizeNTF(H,'CRFB')
Returns the values::
a: 0.0007, 0.0084, 0.055, 0.2443, 0.5579
g: 0.0028, 0.0079
b: 0.0007, 0.0084, 0.055, 0.2443, 0.5579, 1.0
c: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
# The basic idea is to equate the loop filter at a set of
# points in the z-plane to L1 = 1-1/ntf at those points.
# Code common to all functions\
if (hasattr(ntf, 'inputs') and not ntf.inputs == 1) or \
(hasattr(ntf, 'outputs') and not ntf.outputs == 1):
raise TypeError("Only SISO transfer functions can be evaluated.")
ntf_z, ntf_p, _ = _get_zpk(ntf)
ntf_z = carray(ntf_z)
ntf_p = carray(ntf_p)
order = max(ntf_p.shape)
order2 = int(np.floor(order / 2))
odd = (order - 2 * order2 == 1)
a = np.zeros((1, order))
g = np.zeros((1, order2))
b = np.zeros((1, order + 1))
c = np.ones((1, order))
T = np.zeros((order, order * 2), dtype='complex')
# instead of asuming enforce roots order
ntf_z = cplxpair(ntf_z)[::-1]
N = 200
min_distance = 0.09
zSet = np.zeros((N, ), dtype='complex')
j = 0
for i in range(1, N + 1):
z = 1.1 * np.exp(2j * np.pi * i / N)
if np.all(np.abs(ntf_z - z) > min_distance):
zSet[j] = z
j = j + 1
zSet = zSet[:j]
if form == 'CRFB':
# Find g
# Assume the roots are ordered, real first, then cx conj. pairs
for i in range(0, order2):
g[0, i] = 2 * (1 - np.real(ntf_z[2 * i + 1 * odd]))
L1 = np.zeros((1, order * 2), dtype='complex')
# Form the linear matrix equation a*T* = L1
for i in range(0, 2 * order):
z = zSet[i]
L1[0, i] = 1. - evalRPoly(ntf_p, z) / evalRPoly(ntf_z, z)
Dfactor = (z - 1) / z
product = 1
for j in range(order, 0 + 1 * odd, -2):
product = z / evalRPoly(ntf_z[j - 2:j], z) * product
T[j - 1, i] = product * Dfactor
T[j - 2, i] = product
if odd:
T[0, i] = product / (z - 1)
a = -np.real(np.linalg.lstsq(T.T, L1.T)[0]).T
if stf is None:
b[0,:order] = a[0, :]
b[0, order] = 1
elif form == 'CRFF':
# Find g
# Assume the roots are ordered, real first, then cx conj. pairs
for i in range(0, order2):
g[0, i] = 2 * (1 - np.real(ntf_z[2 * i + 1 * odd]))
L1 = np.zeros((1, order * 2), dtype='complex')
# Form the linear matrix equation a*T*=L1
for i in range(0, 2 * order):
z = zSet[i]
# L1(z) = 1-1/H(z)
L1[0, i] = 1. - evalRPoly(ntf_p, z) / evalRPoly(ntf_z, z)
if odd:
Dfactor = z - 1
product = 1 / Dfactor
T[0, i] = product
Dfactor = (z - 1) / z
product = 1.
for j in range(0 + 1 * odd, order, 2):
product = z / evalRPoly(ntf_z[j:j + 2], z) * product
T[j, i] = product * Dfactor
T[j + 1, i] = product
a = -np.real(np.linalg.lstsq(T.T, L1.T)[0]).T
if stf is None:
b = np.hstack((np.atleast_2d(1),
np.zeros((1, order - 1)),
elif form == 'CIFB':
if any(abs(np.real(ntf_z) - 1) > 0.001):
warn("The ntf's zeros have had their real parts set to one.")
ntf_z = 1 + 1j * np.imag(ntf_z)
for i in range(order2):
g[0, i] = np.imag(ntf_z[2 * i + 1 * odd]) ** 2
L1 = np.zeros((1, order * 2), dtype='complex')
for i in range(order * 2):
z = zSet[i]
L1[0, i] = 1. - evalRPoly(ntf_p, z) / evalRPoly(ntf_z, z)
Dfactor = z - 1.
product = 1.
for j in range(order - 1, 1 * odd, -2):
product = product / evalRPoly(ntf_z[j - 1:j + 1], z)
T[j, i] = product * Dfactor
T[j - 1, i] = product
if odd:
T[0, i] = product / (z - 1.)
a = -np.real(np.linalg.lstsq(T.T, L1.T)[0]).T
if stf is None:
b[0,:order] = a
b[0, order] = 1.
elif form == 'CIFF':
if (abs(np.real(ntf_z) - 1) > 0.001).any():
warn("The ntf's zeros have had their real parts set to one.")
ntf_z = 1. + 1j * np.imag(ntf_z)
for i in range(order2):
g[0, i] = np.imag(ntf_z[2 * i + 1 * odd]) ** 2
L1 = np.zeros((1, order * 2), dtype='complex')
for i in range(order * 2):
z = zSet[i]
L1[0, i] = 1. - evalRPoly(ntf_p, z) / evalRPoly(ntf_z, z)
Dfactor = (z - 1)
if odd:
product = 1. / (z - 1.)
T[0, i] = product
product = 1
for j in range(0 + 1 * odd, order - 1, 2):
product = product / evalRPoly(ntf_z[j:j + 2], z)
T[j, i] = product * Dfactor
T[j + 1, i] = product
a = -np.real(np.linalg.lstsq(T.T, L1.T)[0]).T
if stf is None:
b = np.zeros((1, order + 1))
b[0, 0] = 1.
b[0, -1] = 1.
elif form == 'CRFBD':
for i in range(order2):
g[0, i] = 2 * (1. - np.real(ntf_z[2 * i + 1 * odd]))
L1 = np.zeros((1, order * 2), dtype='complex')
for i in range(order * 2):
z = zSet[i]
L1[0, i] = 1. - evalRPoly(ntf_p, z) / evalRPoly(ntf_z, z)
Dfactor = (z - 1.)
product = 1. / z
for j in range(order - 1, 0 + 1 * odd, -2):
product = z / evalRPoly(ntf_z[j - 1:j + 1], z) * product
T[j, i] = product * Dfactor
T[j - 1, i] = product
if odd:
T[0, i] = product * z / (z - 1.)
a = -np.real(np.linalg.lstsq(T.T, L1.T)[0]).T
if stf is None:
b = np.hstack((a, np.zeros((1, 1))))
b[0, order] = 1.
elif form == 'CRFFD':
for i in range(order2):
g[0, i] = 2 * (1. - np.real(ntf_z[2 * i + 1 * odd]))
zL1 = np.zeros((1, order*2), dtype='complex')
# Form the linear matrix equation a*T*=zL1
for i in range(order * 2):
z = zSet[i]
# zL1 = z*(1-1/H(z))
zL1[0, i] = z*(1. - 1.0/evalTF(ntf, z))
if odd:
Dfactor = (z - 1.) / z
product = 1. / Dfactor
T[0, i] = product
Dfactor = z - 1
product = 1
for j in range(0 + 1 * odd, order, 2):
product = z / evalRPoly(ntf_z[j:j + 2], z) * product
T[j, i] = product * Dfactor
T[j + 1, i] = product
a = -np.real(np.linalg.lstsq(T.T, zL1.T)[0]).T
if stf is None:
b = np.hstack((np.atleast_2d(1),
np.zeros((1, order - 1)),
elif form == 'PFF':
warn("Untested code accessed: realizeNTF('PFF')")
# Find g
# Assume the roots are ordered, real first, then cx conj. pairs
# with the secondary zeros after the primary zeros
for i in range(order2):
g[0, i] = 2 * (1. - np.real(ntf_z[2 * i + 1 * odd]))
# Find the dividing line between the zeros
theta0 = np.abs(np.angle(ntf_z[0]))
# !! 0.5 radians is an arbitrary separation !!
i = np.flatnonzero(np.abs(np.abs(np.angle(ntf_z)) - theta0) > 0.5)
if i.shape[0]:
order_1 = i[0] - 1
order_1 = 0
order_2 = order - order_1
if i.shape[0] != order_2:
raise ValueError('For the PFF form, the NTF zeros must ' +
'be sorted into primary and secondary zeros')
odd_1 = order_1 % 2
odd_2 = order_2 % 2
L1 = np.zeros((1, order * 2), dtype='complex')
# Form the linear matrix equation a*T*=L1
for i in range(order * 2):
z = zSet[i]
# L1(z) = 1-1/H(z)
L1[0, i] = 1. - evalRPoly(ntf_p, z) / evalRPoly(ntf_z, z)
if odd_1:
Dfactor = z - 1
product = 1. / Dfactor
T[0, i] = product
Dfactor = (z - 1) / z
product = 1
for j in range(odd_1, order_1, 2):
product = z / evalRPoly(ntf_z[j:j + 2], z) * product
T[j, i] = product * Dfactor
T[j + 1, i] = product
if odd_2:
Dfactor = z - 1
product = 1. / Dfactor
T[order_1, i] = product
Dfactor = (z - 1) / z
product = 1.
for j in range(order_1 + odd_2, order, 2):
product = z / evalRPoly(ntf_z[j:j + 2], z) * product
T[j, i] = product * Dfactor
T[j + 1, i] = product
a = -np.real(np.linalg.lstsq(T.T, zL1.T)[0]).T
if stf is None:
b = np.hstack((np.atleast_2d(1),
np.zeros((1, order_1 - 1)),
np.zeros(1, order_2 - 1),
elif form == 'Stratos':
# code copied from case 'CRFF':
# Find g
# Assume the roots are ordered, real first, then cx conj. pairs
for i in range(order2):
g[0, i] = 2 * (1 - np.real(ntf_z[2 * i + 1 * odd]))
# code copied from case 'CIFF':
L1 = np.zeros((1, order * 2), dtype='complex')
# Form the linear matrix equation a*T*=L1
for i in range(order * 2):
z = zSet[i]
# L1(z) = 1-1/H(z)
L1[0, i] = 1. - evalRPoly(ntf_p, z) / evalRPoly(ntf_z, z)
Dfactor = (z - 1.)
if odd:
product = 1. / (z - 1.)
T[0, i] = product
product = 1.
for j in range(0 + 1 * odd, order - 1, 2):
product = product / evalRPoly(ntf_z[j:j + 2], z)
T[j, i] = product * Dfactor
T[j + 1, i] = product
a = -np.real(np.linalg.lstsq(T.T, L1.T)[0]).T
if stf is None:
b = np.hstack((
np.zeros((1, order - 1)),
if stf is not None:
# Compute the TF from each feed-in to the output
# and solve for coefficients which yield the best match
# THIS CODE IS NOT OPTIMAL, in terms of computational efficiency.
stfList = []
for i in range(0, order + 1):
bi = np.zeros((1, order + 1))
bi[i] = 1
ABCD = stuffABCD(a, g, bi, c, form)
if form[2:4] == 'FF':
ABCD[0, order + 1] = -1
_, stfListi = calculateTF(ABCD)
# Build the matrix equation b A = x and solve it.
A = np.zeros((order + 1, max(zSet.shape)))
for i in range(0, order + 1):
A[i, :] = evalTF(stfList[i], zSet)
x = evalTF(stf, zSet)
x = x[:].T
b = np.real(x / A)
return a.squeeze(), g.squeeze(), b.squeeze(), c.squeeze()