Source code for deltasigma._synthesizeQNTF

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Module providing the synthesizeQNTF function
# Copyright 2013 Giuseppe Venturini
# This file is distributed with python-deltasigma.
# python-deltasigma is a 1:1 Python port of Richard Schreier's
# MATLAB delta sigma toolbox (aka "delsigma"), upon which it is heavily based.
# The delta sigma toolbox is (c) 2009, Richard Schreier.
# python-deltasigma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# LICENSE file for the licensing terms.

Module providing the Quadrature NTF synthesis function.

from __future__ import division, print_function

from warnings import warn

import numpy as np

from scipy.signal import cheby2
from scipy.linalg import norm

from ._evalTF import evalTF
from ._dbv import dbv
from ._rmsGain import rmsGain
from ._synthesizeNTF import synthesizeNTF
from ._utils import _get_zpk

# Maximum number of iterations to reach the obj
ITN_MAX = 20

[docs]def synthesizeQNTF(order=4, OSR=64, f0=0., NG=-60, ING=-20, n_im=None): """Synthesize a noise transfer function for a quadrature modulator. **Parameters:** order : int, optional The order of the modulator. Defaults to 4. OSR : int, optional The oversampling ratio. Defaults to 64. f0 : float, optional The center frequency, normalized such that :math:`1 \\rightarrow f_s`. Defaults to 0, ie to a low-pass modulator. NG : float, optional The in-band noise gain, expressed in dB. Defaults to -60. ING : float, optional The image-band noise gain, in dB. Defaults to -20. n_im : int, optional The number of in-band image zeros, defaults to ``floor(order/3)``. **Returns:** ntf : (z, p, k) tuple ``ntf`` is a zpk tuple containing the zeros, poles and the gain of the synthesized NTF. .. note:: From the MATLAB Delta-Sigma Toolbox: ALPHA VERSION: This function uses an experimental ad-hoc method that is neither optimal nor robust. **Example:** Fourth order quadrature modulator:: from deltasigma import * order = 4 osr = 32 NG = -50 ING = -10 f0 = 1 / 16 ntf0 = synthesizeQNTF(order, osr, f0, NG, ING) pretty_lti(ntf0) Returns:: (z - 0.888 - 0.4598j) (z - 0.9239 + 0.3827j) (z - 0.9239 - 0.3827j) (z - 0.953 - 0.3028j) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (z - 0.5739 - 0.5699j) (z - 0.5913 - 0.2449j) (z - 0.6731 + 0.2788j) (z - 0.8088 - 0.0028j) .. image:: _static/synthesizeQNTF.png """ if n_im is None: n_im = np.floor(order/3) debug_it = 0 if n_im == 0: # Use synthesizeNTF to get an NTF with the specified NG; ignore ING f1 = 0.5/OSR x = 1.5 lowest_f = np.inf dfdx = None for itn in range(ITN_MAX): ntf = synthesizeNTF(order, OSR, 1., x) f = dbv(rmsGain(ntf, 0., f1)) - NG if debug_it: print('x=%.2f f=%.2f' % (x, f)) if abs(f) < 0.01: break if dfdx is None: dx = 0.1*np.sign(f) dfdx = 0 else: dfdx = (f - f_old)/dx dx_old = dx dx = - f/dfdx if abs(dx) > max((1, 2*abs(dx_old))): dx = np.sign(dx)*max((1, 2*abs(dx_old))) if x + dx <= 1: # Hinf must be at least 1 dx = dx/2. f_old = f x = x + dx if itn == ITN_MAX - 1: warn('Iteration limit reached. NTF may be poor.') # Rotate the NTF z0 = np.exp(2j*np.pi*f0) zeros, poles, k = _get_zpk(ntf) ntf = (z0*zeros, z0*poles, k) else: n_in = order - n_im f1 = f0 - 0.5/OSR f2 = f0 + 0.5/OSR z0 = np.exp(2j*np.pi*f0) x = np.array([20., 20.]) # "R" parameters for cheby2() lowest_f = np.inf dfdx = np.array([float('NaN'), float('NaN')]) freq = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 200) for itn in range(ITN_MAX): if debug_it: print('\nx = [%.2f, %.2f]' % (x[0], x[1])) b1, a1 = cheby2(n_in, x[0], 1./OSR, 'highpass') b2, a2 = cheby2(n_im, x[1], 1./OSR, 'highpass') ntf0 = (np.concatenate((np.roots(b1)*z0, np.roots(b2)*np.conj(z0))), np.concatenate((np.roots(a1)*z0, np.roots(a2)*np.conj(z0))), 1) m = evalTF(ntf0, np.exp(2j*np.pi*freq)) NG0 = dbv(rmsGain(ntf0, f1, f2)) ING0 = dbv(rmsGain(ntf0, -f1, -f2)) if debug_it: import pylab as plt from ._plotPZ import plotPZ from ._figureMagic import figureMagic plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) plotPZ(ntf0) plt.subplot(122) print('NG = %.1f, ING= %.1f' % (NG0, ING0)) plt.plot(freq, dbv(m)) figureMagic([-0.5, 0.5], 0.05, 2, [-100, 30], 10, 2) plt.hold(True) plt.plot([f1, f2], [NG0, NG0], 'k') plt.text(np.mean([f1, f2]), NG0, ('NG=%.1fdB' % NG0), va='bottom') plt.plot([-f1, -f2], [ING0, ING0], 'k') plt.text(np.mean([-f1, -f2]), ING0, ('ING=%.1fdB' % ING0), va='bottom') f = np.array([NG0 - NG, ING0 - ING]) if max(abs(f)) < 0.01: break if norm(f) < lowest_f: lowest_f = norm(f) # ntf0 is ALREADY a zpk tuple zeros, poles, k = ntf0 best = (zeros.copy(), poles.copy(), k) if abs(f[0]) > abs(f[1]): # adjust x(1) i = 0 else: # adjust x(2) i = 1 if np.isnan(dfdx[i]): dx = np.sign(f[i]) dfdx[i] = 0 dfdx[1 - i] = float('NaN') else: dfdx[i] = (f[i] - f_old[i])/dx dfdx[1 - i] = float('NaN') dx = -f[i]/dfdx[i] xnew = x[i] + dx if xnew < 0.5*x[i]: dx = -0.5*x[i] else: if xnew > 2*x[i]: dx = x[i] f_old = f.copy() x[i] = x[i] + dx if itn == ITN_MAX - 1: warn('Iteration limit reached. NTF may be poor') ntf = best return ntf