# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# _utils.py
# Miscellaneous functions and stdlib wrappers for MATLAB functions
# that do not find a direct replacement in numpy/scipy.
# Copyright 2013 Giuseppe Venturini
# This file is part of python-deltasigma.
# python-deltasigma is a 1:1 Python replacement of Richard Schreier's
# MATLAB delta sigma toolbox (aka "delsigma"), upon which it is heavily based.
# The delta sigma toolbox is (c) 2009, Richard Schreier.
# python-deltasigma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# LICENSE file for the licensing terms.
""" Miscellaneous functions and wrappers for MATLAB functions
that do not find a direct replacement in numpy/scipy.
import collections
import fractions
from fractions import Fraction as Fr
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import lti, ss2tf, ss2zpk, zpk2tf
from ._constants import eps
from ._partitionABCD import partitionABCD
[docs]def rat(x, tol):
"""Rational fraction approximation.
Calculate A and B such that:
.. math::
x = \\frac{A}{B} + \\epsilon
.. math::
|\\epsilon| < tol
.. note:: A, B are of type 'int'
return Fr(float(x)).limit_denominator(int(1 / float(tol))).numerator, \
Fr(float(x)).limit_denominator(int(1 / float(tol))).denominator
gcd = fractions.gcd
lcm = lambda a, b: int(a * b / float(gcd(a, b)))
lcm.__doc__ = """Calculate the Least Common Multiple of ``a`` and ``b``.\n"""
class empty(object):
"""An empty function used to hold attributes"""
def __init__(self):
[docs]def mfloor(x):
"""Round ``x`` towards -Inf.
This is a MATLAB-compatible floor function, numpy's ``floor()``
behaves differently.
If the elements of ``x`` are complex, real and imaginary parts are
rounded separately.
iform = save_input_form(x)
x = carray(x)
def _mfloor(z):
"""Base function to generate the ufunc floor"""
z = np.real_if_close(z)
if np.iscomplex(z):
return _mfloor(np.real(z)) + 1j * _mfloor(np.imag(z))
return np.floor(z) if np.sign(z) >= 0 else -np.ceil(-z)
_internal = np.frompyfunc(_mfloor, 1, 1)
xf = np.array(_internal(x), dtype=x.dtype)
return restore_input_form(xf, iform)
def carray(x):
"""Check that x is an ndarray. If not, try to convert it to ndarray.
if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
if not isinstance(x, collections.Iterable):
x = np.array((x,))
x = np.array(x)
elif not len(x.shape):
x = x.reshape((1,))
pass # nothing to do here
return x
[docs]def cplxpair(x, tol=100):
Sort complex numbers into complex conjugate pairs.
This function replaces MATLAB's cplxpair for vectors.
x = carray(x)
x = np.atleast_1d(x.squeeze())
x = x.tolist()
x = [np.real_if_close(i, tol) for i in x]
xreal = np.array(list(filter(np.isreal, x)))
xcomplex = np.array(list(filter(np.iscomplex, x)))
xreal = np.sort_complex(xreal)
xcomplex = np.sort_complex(xcomplex)
xcomplex_ipos = xcomplex[xcomplex.imag > 0.]
xcomplex_ineg = xcomplex[xcomplex.imag <= 0.]
if len(xcomplex_ipos) != len(xcomplex_ineg):
raise ValueError("Complex numbers can't be paired.")
res = []
for i, j in zip(xcomplex_ipos, xcomplex_ineg):
if not abs(i - np.conj(j)) < tol * eps:
raise ValueError("Complex numbers can't be paired.")
res += [j, i]
return np.hstack((np.array(res), xreal))
def minreal(tf, tol=None):
"""Remove pole/zero pairs from a transfer function
when the two match within the tolerance ``tol``.
tf : supported TF representation or list
``tf`` may be a transfer function (LTI object) or a list of transfer
functions, each of them expressed in a supported representation.
tol : float, optional
The tolerance to be accepted when simplifying pole-zero pairs. It
defaults to the system epsilon if unset.
tf_simplified : tuple or list of tuples
A list of TFs in zpk format or a TF (aain in zpk format), depending
whether a single TF or a list of multiple TFs were passed to the
# initially based on python-control
# which is in turn based on octave minreal
# then modified considerably
# recursively handle multiple tfs
if not _is_zpk(tf) and not _is_num_den(tf) and not _is_A_B_C_D(tf) \
and (isinstance(tf, list) or isinstance(tf, tuple)):
ret = []
for tfi in tf:
ret += [minreal(tfi, tol)]
return ret
# default accuracy
sqrt_eps = np.sqrt(eps)
if (hasattr(tf, 'inputs') and not tf.inputs == 1) or \
(hasattr(tf, 'outputs') and not tf.outputs == 1):
raise TypeError("Only SISO transfer functions can be evaluated.")
if hasattr(tf, 'zeros') and hasattr(tf, 'poles'):
# LTI objects have poles and zeros,
zeros = tf.zeros
poles = tf.poles
if hasattr(tf, 'k'):
k = tf.k
elif hasattr(tf, 'gain'):
k = tf.gain
# k = num[0] / den[0]
zeros, poles, k = _get_zpk(tf)
zeros = carray(zeros)
poles = carray(poles)
reducedzeros = []
for z in zeros:
t = tol or 1000 * max(eps, abs(z) * sqrt_eps)
idx = np.where(abs(poles - z) < t)[0]
if len(idx):
# cancel this zero against one of the poles
# remove the pole and do not add the zero to the new
poles = np.delete(poles, idx[0])
# no matching pole
newzeros = carray(reducedzeros)
return (newzeros, poles, k)
def diagonal_indices(a, offset=0):
"""The indices to the diagonal of a 2D array ``a``
The indices are those to the main diagonal (if ``offset`` is 0), or to a
secondary diagonal, having the specified offset from the main one.
The array ``A`` does not need to be square.
a : ndarray
The 2D ndarray for which the diagonal indices should be calculated.
offset : int, optional
The diagonal offset from the main one. Note that the sup-diagonal is at
offset +1, the sub-diagonal at offset -1, and so on. Defaults to 0,
which corresponds to the main diagonal.
xs, ys : tuples
The indices in the two coordinates. Thanks to ``numpy``'s advanced
slicing, the diagonal may be accessed with ``A[(xs, ys)]``.
di, dj = np.diag_indices_from(a[:min(a.shape), :min(a.shape)])
if offset > 0:
di, dj = zip(*[(i, j)
for i, j in zip(di, dj + offset) if 0 <= j < a.shape[1]])
elif offset == 0:
di, dj = zip(*[(i, j)
for i, j in zip(di - offset, dj) if 0 <= i < a.shape[0]])
return di, dj
[docs]def circshift(a, shift):
"""Shift an array circularly.
The ``circshift(a, shift)`` function circularly shifts the values in the
array ``a`` by ``shift`` elements.
a : ndarray
the array to be shifted. Notice that a should have a greater or equal
number of dimensions than ``shift`` (``shift`` being a scalar is equal
to ``shift`` being a one-dimension array.)
shift : int or ndarray-like of int.
the N-th element specifies the shift amount for the N-th dimension
of the input array ``a``.
If an element in ``shift`` is positive, the values of ``a`` are
shifted to higher-index rows (ie down) or to higher-index columns
(ie to the right).
If the element is negative, the values of ``a`` are shifted in the opposite
directions, towards lower-index rows (ie up) or to lower-index columns
(ie right).
If ``shift`` is an integer, the shift happens along axis 0.
All dimensions that do not have a corresponding shift value in ``shift``
are left untouched (ie ``shift=(1, 0, 0)`` is equal to ``shift=(1,)``,
with the exception that the former will trigger an ``IndexError``
if ``a.ndim < 3``).
The shifted array.
if np.isscalar(shift):
shift = [shift]
for axis, ashift in enumerate(shift):
a = np.roll(a, ashift, axis=axis)
return a
def save_input_form(a):
"""Save the form of `a` so that it can be restored later on
Returns: an object representing the form of `a`, to be passed to
restore_input_form(a, form)
if np.isscalar(a):
ret = 'scalar'
elif isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
ret = a.shape
elif type(a) == tuple:
ret = 'tuple'
elif type(a) == list:
ret = 'list'
raise TypeError("Unsupported input %s" % repr(a))
return ret
def restore_input_form(a, form):
"""Restore the form of `a` according to `form`.
Returns: the object `a`, in the correct `form`.
Note: use `save_input_form(a)` to get the object `form`
if form == 'scalar':
a = np.real_if_close(a)
if not np.isscalar(a):
a = a.reshape((1, ))[0]
elif form == 'tuple':
if not type(a) == tuple:
a = [np.real_if_close(i).reshape((1,))[0] for i in a]
a = tuple(a)
elif form == 'list':
if not type(a) == list:
a = [np.real_if_close(i).reshape((1,))[0] for i in a]
a = list(a)
a = a.reshape(form)
return a
[docs]def pretty_lti(arg):
"""Given the lti object ``arg`` return a *pretty* representation."""
z, p, k = _get_zpk(arg)
z = np.atleast_1d(z)
p = np.atleast_1d(p)
z = np.round(np.real_if_close(z), 4)
p = np.round(np.real_if_close(p), 4)
k = np.round(np.real_if_close(k), 4)
signs = {1:'+', -1:'-'}
if not len(z) and not len(p):
return "%g" % k
ppstr = ["", "", ""]
if np.allclose(k, 0., atol=1e-5):
return "0"
if k != 1:
if np.isreal(k):
ppstr[1] = "%g " % k
# quadrature modulators support
ppstr[1] += "(%g %s %gj) " % (np.real(k),
for i, s in zip((0, 2), (z, p)):
rz = None
m = 1
sorted_singularities = cplxpair(s)
quadrature = False
except ValueError:
# quadrature modulator
sorted_singularities = np.sort_complex(s)
quadrature = True
for zindex, zi in enumerate(sorted_singularities):
zi = np.round(np.real_if_close(zi), 4)
if np.isreal(zi) or quadrature:
if len(sorted_singularities) > zindex + 1 and \
sorted_singularities[zindex + 1] == zi:
m += 1
if zi == 0.:
ppstr[i] += "z"
elif np.isreal(zi):
ppstr[i] += "(z %s %g)" % (signs[np.sign(-zi)], np.abs(zi))
ppstr[i] += "(z %s %g %s %gj)" % (signs[np.sign(np.real(-zi))],
if m == 1:
ppstr[i] += " "
ppstr[i] += "^%d " % m
m = 1
if len(sorted_singularities) > zindex + 2 and \
sorted_singularities[zindex + 2] == zi:
m += .5
if rz is None:
rz = zi
ppstr[i] += "(z^2 %s %gz %s %g)" % \
(signs[np.sign(np.real_if_close(np.round(-rz - zi, 3)))],
np.abs(np.real_if_close(np.round(-rz - zi, 3))),
signs[np.sign(np.real_if_close(np.round(rz * zi, 4)))],
np.abs(np.real_if_close(np.round(rz * zi, 4))))
if m == 1:
ppstr[i] += " "
ppstr[i] += "^%d " % m
rz = None
m = 1
ppstr[i] = ppstr[i][:-1] if len(ppstr[i]) else "1"
if ppstr[2] == '1':
return ppstr[1] + ppstr[0]
if ppstr[0] == '1' and len(ppstr[1]) and float(ppstr[1]) != 1.:
ppstr[0] = ppstr[1][:-1]
ppstr[1] = ""
space_pad_ln = len(ppstr[1])
fraction_line = "-" * (max(len(ppstr[0]), len(ppstr[2])) + 2)
ppstr[1] += fraction_line
ppstr[0] = " "*space_pad_ln + ppstr[0].center(len(fraction_line))
ppstr[2] = " "*space_pad_ln + ppstr[2].center(len(fraction_line))
return "\n".join(ppstr)
def _get_zpk(arg, input=0):
"""Utility method to convert the input arg to a z, p, k representation.
arg, which may be:
* ZPK tuple,
* num, den tuple,
* A, B, C, D tuple,
* a scipy LTI object,
* a sequence of the tuples of any of the above types.
input : scalar
In case the system has multiple inputs, which input is to be
considered. Input `0` means first input, and so on.
The sequence of ndarrays z, p and a scalar k
TypeError, ValueError
.. warn: support for MISO transfer functions is experimental.
z, p, k = None, None, None
if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray):
# ABCD matrix
A, B, C, D = partitionABCD(arg)
z, p, k = ss2zpk(A, B, C, D, input=input)
elif isinstance(arg, lti):
z, p, k = arg.zeros, arg.poles, arg.gain
elif _is_zpk(arg):
z, p, k = np.atleast_1d(arg[0]), np.atleast_1d(arg[1]), arg[2]
elif _is_num_den(arg):
sys = lti(*arg)
z, p, k = sys.zeros, sys.poles, sys.gain
elif _is_A_B_C_D(arg):
z, p, k = ss2zpk(*arg, input=input)
elif isinstance(arg, collections.Iterable):
ri = 0
for i in arg:
# Note we do not check if the user has assembled a list with
# mismatched lti representations.
if hasattr(i, 'B'):
iis = i.B.shape[1]
if input < ri + iis:
z, p, k = ss2zpk(i.A, i.B, i.C, i.D, input=input - ri)
ri += iis
elif _is_A_B_C_D(arg):
iis = arg[1].shape[1]
if input < ri + iis:
z, p, k = ss2zpk(*arg, input=input - ri)
ri += iis
if ri == input:
sys = lti(*i)
z, p, k = sys.zeros, sys.poles, sys.gain
ri += 1
ri += 1
if (z, p, k) == (None, None, None):
raise ValueError("The LTI representation does not have enough" +
"inputs: max %d, looking for input %d" %
(ri - 1, input))
raise TypeError("Unknown LTI representation: %s" % arg)
return z, p, k
def _get_num_den(arg, input=0):
"""Utility method to convert the input arg to a (num, den) representation.
arg, which may be:
* ZPK tuple,
* num, den tuple,
* A, B, C, D tuple,
* a scipy LTI object,
* a sequence of the tuples of any of the above types.
input : scalar
In case the system has multiple inputs, which input is to be
considered. Input `0` means first input, and so on.
The sequence of ndarrays num, den
TypeError, ValueError
.. warn: support for MISO transfer functions is experimental.
num, den = None, None
if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray):
# ABCD matrix
A, B, C, D = partitionABCD(arg)
num, den = ss2tf(A, B, C, D, input=input)
elif isinstance(arg, lti):
num, den = arg.num, arg.den
elif _is_num_den(arg):
num, den = carray(arg[0]).squeeze(), carray(arg[1]).squeeze()
elif _is_zpk(arg):
num, den = zpk2tf(*arg)
elif _is_A_B_C_D(arg):
num, den = ss2tf(*arg, input=input)
elif isinstance(arg, collections.Iterable):
ri = 0
for i in arg:
# Note we do not check if the user has assembled a list with
# mismatched representations.
if hasattr(i, 'B'): # lti
iis = i.B.shape[1]
if input < ri + iis:
num, den = ss2tf(i.A, i.B, i.C, i.D, input=input - ri)
ri += iis
sys = lti(*i)
iis = sys.B.shape[1]
if input < ri + iis:
num, den = ss2tf(
sys.A, sys.B, sys.C, sys.D, input=input - ri)
ri += iis
if (num, den) == (None, None):
raise ValueError("The LTI representation does not have enough" +
"inputs: max %d, looking for input %d" %
(ri - 1, input))
raise TypeError("Unknown LTI representation: %s" % arg)
if len(num.shape) > 1:
num = num.squeeze()
if len(den.shape) > 1:
den = den.squeeze()
# default accuracy: sqrt_ps
sqrt_eps = np.sqrt(eps)
while len(num.shape) and len(num):
if abs(num[0]) < sqrt_eps:
num = num[1:]
while len(den.shape) and len(den):
if abs(den[0]) < sqrt_eps:
den = den[1:]
den = np.atleast_1d(den)
num = np.atleast_1d(num)
return num, den
def _getABCD(arg):
"""Utility method to convert the input arg to an A, B, C, D representation.
arg, which may be:
* ZPK tuple,
* num, den tuple,
* A, B, C, D tuple,
* a scipy LTI object,
* a sequence of the tuples of any of the above types.
The sequence of ndarrays A, B, C, D
TypeError, ValueError
if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray):
# ABCD matrix
A, B, C, D = partitionABCD(arg)
elif isinstance(arg, lti):
A, B, C, D = arg.A, arg.B, arg.C, np.atleast_2d(arg.D)
elif _is_zpk(arg) or _is_num_den(arg) or _is_A_B_C_D(arg):
sys = lti(*arg)
A, B, C, D = sys.A, sys.B, sys.C, sys.D
elif isinstance(arg, collections.Iterable):
A, B, C, D = None, None, None, None
for i in arg:
# Note we do not check if the user has assembled a list with
# mismatched lti representations.
sys = lti(*i) if not hasattr(i, 'A') else i
if A is None:
A = sys.A
elif not np.allclose(sys.A, A, atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-5):
raise ValueError("Mismatched lti list, A matrix disagreement.")
if B is None:
B = sys.B
B = np.hstack((B, sys.B))
if C is None:
C = sys.C
elif not np.allclose(sys.C, C, atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-5):
raise ValueError("Mismatched lti list, C matrix disagreement.")
if D is None:
D = sys.D
D = np.hstack((D, sys.D))
raise TypeError("Unknown LTI representation: %s" % arg)
return A, B, C, D
def _is_zpk(arg):
"""Can the argument be safely assumed to be a zpk tuple?"""
return isinstance(arg, collections.Iterable) and len(arg) == 3 and \
isinstance(arg[0], collections.Iterable) and \
isinstance(arg[1], collections.Iterable) and np.isscalar(arg[2])
def _is_num_den(arg):
"""Can the argument be safely assumed to be a num, den tuple?"""
return isinstance(arg, collections.Iterable) and len(arg) == 2 and \
isinstance(arg[0], collections.Iterable) and \
isinstance(arg[1], collections.Iterable)
def _is_A_B_C_D(arg):
"""Can the argument be safely assumed to be an (A, B, C, D) tuple?"""
return isinstance(arg, collections.Iterable) and len(arg) == 4 and \
(isinstance(arg[0], collections.Iterable) or np.is_scalar(arg[0])) and \
(isinstance(arg[1], collections.Iterable) or np.is_scalar(arg[1])) and \
(isinstance(arg[2], collections.Iterable) or np.is_scalar(arg[2])) and \
(isinstance(arg[3], collections.Iterable) or np.is_scalar(arg[3]))
[docs]def mround(x):
"""Round ``x`` to the nearest integers.
This is a MATLAB-compatible round function, numpy's ``round()``
behaves differently.
Behaviour with a fractional part of 0.5:
* Positive elements with a fractional part of 0.5 round up to the nearest positive integer.
* Negative elements with a fractional part of -0.5 round down to the nearest negative integer.
If the elements of ``x`` are complex, real and imaginary parts are
rounded separately.
>>> mround([-1.9, -0.5, -0.2, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6, 7.0, 2.4+3.6j])
[-2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 2.0+4.0j]
iform = save_input_form(x)
x = carray(x)
def _mround(z):
"""Base function to generate the ufunc round"""
z = np.real_if_close(z)
if np.iscomplex(z):
return _mround(np.real(z)) + 1j*_mround(np.imag(z))
s = 1 if z >= 0 else -1
res = z - s*(abs(z) % 1) if abs(z) % 1 < .5 \
else z + s*(1 - (abs(z)%1))
return res
_internal = np.frompyfunc(_mround, 1, 1)
xf = np.array(_internal(x), dtype=x.dtype)
return restore_input_form(xf, iform)