Source code for deltasigma._predictSNR

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Module providing predictSNR
# Copyright 2013 Giuseppe Venturini
# This file is part of python-deltasigma.
# python-deltasigma is a 1:1 Python replacement of Richard Schreier's 
# MATLAB delta sigma toolbox (aka "delsigma"), upon which it is heavily based.
# The delta sigma toolbox is (c) 2009, Richard Schreier.
# python-deltasigma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# LICENSE file for the licensing terms.

"""Module providing the predictSNR function.

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.signal import dimpulse, freqz
from scipy.special import erfinv

from ._dbp import dbp
from ._utils import _get_num_den

[docs]def predictSNR(ntf, OSR=64, amp=None, f0=0.): """Predict the SNR curve of a binary delta-sigma modulator. The prediction is performed using the describing function method of Ardalan and Paulos [2]_ . **Parameters:** ntf : lti object, or zpk or (num, den) or (A,B,C,D) tuples The noise transfer function specifying the modulator. OSR : scalar, optional The oversampling ratio, defaults to 64. amp : ndarray-like, optional The magnitudes to be used for the input signal. They are expressed in dB, where 0 dB means a full-scale (peak value = 1) sine wave. Defaults to [-120 -110 ... -20 -15 -10 -9 -8 ... 0]. f0 : scalar, optional The normalized input signal frequency. Defaults to 0. **Notes:** The band of interest is defined by the oversampling ratio (``OSR``) and the center frequency (``f0``). The algorithm assumes that the ``amp`` vector is sorted in increasing order; once instability is detected, the remaining SNR values are set to ``-Inf``. Future versions may accommodate STFs. **Returns:** snr : ndarray A vector of SNR values, in dB. amp : ndarray A vector of amplitudes, in dB. k0 : ndarray The quantizer signal gain. k1: ndarray The quantizer noise gain. sigma_e2 : scalar The power of the quantizer noise (not in dB). .. rubric:: Implementation details: The describing function method of A&P treats the quantizer processes signal and noise components separately. The quantizer is modelled as two (not necessarily equal) linear gains, :math:`k_0` (``k0`` in the code) and :math:`k_1` (``k1``), and an additive white gaussian noise source of power :math:`\\sigma_e^2` (``sigma_e2``), as shown in the figure below. :math:`k_0`, :math:`k_1` and :math:`\\sigma_e^2` are calculated as functions of the input. .. image:: ../doc/_static/predictSNR.png :align: center :alt: modulator model for predictSNR The modulator's loop filter is assumed to have nearly infinite gain at the test frequency. .. rubric:: Example: See :func:`simulateSNR` for an example use of this function. .. rubric:: References .. [2] Ardalan, S.H.; Paulos, J.J., "An analysis of nonlinear behavior in delta - sigma modulators," Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol.34, no.6, pp.593,603, Jun 1987 """ # extract num, den if (hasattr(ntf, 'inputs') and not ntf.inputs == 1) or \ (hasattr(ntf, 'outputs') and not ntf.outputs == 1): raise TypeError("The supplied TF isn't a SISO transfer function.") num, den = _get_num_den(ntf) Nb = 100 if f0 == 0: band_of_interest = np.linspace(0, np.pi/OSR, Nb) else: band_of_interest = np.linspace(2*np.pi*(f0 - 0.25/OSR), 2*np.pi*(f0 + 0.25/OSR), Nb) XTAB = np.linspace(-2, 0, 21) YTAB = np.array([ [0.46575960516930, 0.67366999387741], [0.47904652357101, 0.68426650762558], [0.49316295981407, 0.69527947902679], [0.50817364454269, 0.70673173666000], [0.52414894104004, 0.71864765882492], [0.54116523265839, 0.73105299472809], [0.55930554866791, 0.74397552013397], [0.57866013050079, 0.75744456052780], [0.59932720661163, 0.77149158716202], [0.62141352891922, 0.78615015745163], [0.64503526687622, 0.80145609378815], [0.67031890153885, 0.81744754314423], [0.69740217924118, 0.83416539430618], [0.72643494606018, 0.85165339708328], [0.75758063793182, 0.86995816230774], [0.79101717472076, 0.88912981748581], [0.82693856954575, 0.90922164916992], [0.86555624008179, 0.93029111623764], [0.90710091590881, 0.95239937305450], [0.95182400941849, 0.97561222314835], [1.00000000000000, 1.00000000000000]]) if amp is None: amp = np.concatenate((np.arange(- 120, -20 + 1, 10), np.array((-15,)), np.arange(-10, 1) )) num = np.real_if_close(num) den = np.real_if_close(den) num1 = num - den N = max(amp.shape) snr = np.zeros((1, N)) - np.Inf k0 = np.zeros((1, N)) k1 = np.zeros((1, N)) sigma_e2 = np.zeros((1, N)) u = 10.0**(amp/20) Nimp = 100 unstable = False for n in range(N): # Calculate sigma_e2 if f0 == 0: erfinvu = erfinv(u[n]) sigma_e2[0, n] = 1 - u[n]**2 - 2/np.pi * np.exp(-2*erfinvu**2) else: # % Sinusoidal input. # Solve sqrt(pi)*u/2 = rho * hypergeo(0.5,2,-rho^2); # Formulate as solve f(rho) = 0, f = rho*M(0.5,2,-rho^2)-K # and use the secant method. K = 0.5*np.sqrt(np.pi)*u[n] if n == 0: # Initial guess; otherwise use previous value. rho = u[n]**2 fprime = 1 drho = 1 f_prev = None for itn in range(0, 20): m0 = interp1d(XTAB, YTAB[:, 1], kind='cubic')(-rho**2) f = rho*m0 - K if itn > 0: fprime = max((f - f_prev)/drho, 0.5) #Secant approx. if abs(f) < 1e-08: break #!Converged drho = -f/fprime if abs(drho) > 0.2: drho = np.sign(drho) * 0.2 if abs(drho) < 1e-06: break #!Converged rho = rho + drho f_prev = f m1 = interp1d(XTAB, YTAB[:, 0], kind='cubic')(-rho**2) sigma_e2[0, n] = 1 - u[n]**2/2 - 2/np.pi*m1**2 # Iterate to solve for k1 and sigma_1. # Using one of MATLAB's nonlinear equation solvers would be more efficient, # but this function code would then require the optimization toolbox. # !Future work: put in 2-D BFGS code. if n > 0: # Use the previous value of k1 as the initial guess. k1[0, n] = k1[0, n - 1] else: k1[0, n] = 1.2 k1_prev = 0 itn = 0 if f0 == 0: k1sigma1 = np.sqrt(2/np.pi) * np.exp(-erfinvu**2) else: k1sigma1 = np.sqrt(2/np.pi)*m1 while abs(k1[0, n] - k1_prev) > 1e-06*(1 + k1[0, n]) and itn < 100: # Create the function: H_hat = L1/(1-k1*L1)=(H-1)/(H*(1-k1)+k1). den1 = (1 - k1[0, n])*num + den*k1[0, n] # Calculate pGain, the square of the 2-norm of H_hat. pGain, Nimp = powerGain(num1, den1, Nimp) if np.isinf(pGain): unstable = True break sigma_1 = np.sqrt(pGain * sigma_e2[0, n]) k1_prev = k1[0, n] k1[0, n] = k1sigma1/sigma_1 itn = itn + 1 if unstable: break if f0 == 0: y0 = np.sqrt(2)*erfinvu*sigma_1 k0[0, n] = u[n]/y0 else: k0[0, n] = np.sqrt(2/np.pi)*m0/sigma_1 _, h = freqz(num, (1 - k1[0, n])*num + k1[0, n]*den, band_of_interest) # For both DC and sine wave inputs, use u^2/2 as the signal # power since true DC measurements are usually impossible. snr[0, n] = dbp(0.5*u[n]**2/(np.sum(h**2)/(OSR*Nb)*sigma_e2[0, n])) return snr.squeeze(), amp.squeeze(), k0.squeeze(), k1.squeeze(), sigma_e2.squeeze()
def powerGain(num, den, Nimp=100): """Calculate the power gain of a TF given in coefficient form. Nimp is the recommended number of impulse response samples for use in future calls and Nimp0 is the suggested number (100) to use. """ unstable = False _, (imp, ) = dimpulse((num, den, 1), t=np.linspace(0, Nimp, Nimp)) if np.sum(abs(imp[Nimp - 11:Nimp])) < 1e-08 and Nimp > 50: Nimp = np.round(Nimp/1.3) else: while np.sum(abs(imp[Nimp - 11:Nimp])) > 1e-06: Nimp = Nimp*2 _, (imp, ) = dimpulse((num, den, 1), t=np.linspace(0, Nimp, Nimp)) if np.sum(abs(imp[Nimp - 11:Nimp])) >= 50 or Nimp >= 10000.0: unstable = True break if not unstable: pGain = np.sum(imp**2) else: pGain = np.Inf return pGain, Nimp