Source code for deltasigma._simulateDSM

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Module providing the simulateDSM function,
# a switch to select the fastest simulation routine.
# This file is part of python-deltasigma.
# python-deltasigma is a 1:1 Python replacement of Richard Schreier's
# MATLAB delta sigma toolbox (aka "delsigma"), upon which it is heavily based.
# The delta sigma toolbox is (c) 2009, Richard Schreier.
# python-deltasigma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# LICENSE file for the licensing terms.
# This file was originally from `pydsm`, then modified quite a bit.
# Many thanks to the original author.
# The original file is
# Copyright (c) 2012, Sergio Callegari
# All rights reserved.
# The modifications are mine.
# Copyright (c) 2014, G. Venturini and the python-deltasigma contributors

from __future__ import print_function

import os
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np

from ._config import _debug, setup_args
from ._simulateDSM_python import simulateDSM as _simulateDSM_python
from ._utils import _get_zpk, _is_zpk

warned = False

# Code to compile the Cython extensions
# Extensions tested on Linux and Mac OS X, but not on Windows
# please report any bug (or patches!) on

    if 'nt' in
        # if somebody actually goes through the trouble of compiling
        # it on Windows, we'll make available a patch to re-enable it.
        # In most cases now, users only get error messages from BLAS
        # not being available.
        raise ImportError('CBLAS extension disabled on Windows')
    import pyximport
    from ._simulateDSM_cblas import simulateDSM as _simulateDSM_cblas
except ImportError as e:
    if _debug:
    _simulateDSM_cblas = None

    import pyximport
    pyximport.install(setup_args=setup_args, inplace=True)
    from ._simulateDSM_scipy_blas import simulateDSM as _simulateDSM_scipy_blas
except ImportError as e:
    if _debug:
    _simulateDSM_scipy_blas = None

# fall back to CPython

simulation_backends = {'CBLAS':(_simulateDSM_cblas is not None),
                       'Scipy_BLAS':(_simulateDSM_scipy_blas is not None),

[docs]def simulateDSM(u, arg2, nlev=2, x0=0.): """Simulate a Delta Sigma modulator Compute the output of a general delta-sigma modulator with input ``u``, a structure described by ``ABCD``, an initial state ``x0`` (default zero) and a quantizer with a number of levels specified by ``nlev``. **Syntax:** * ``[v, xn, xmax, y] = simulateDSM(u, ABCD, nlev=2, x0=0)`` * ``[v, xn, xmax, y] = simulateDSM(u, ntf, nlev=2, x0=0)`` **Parameters:** u : ndarray or sequence The input vector to be used in the simulation. Multiple inputs are implied by the number of rows in ``u``. arg2 : 2D ndarray or a supported LTI description The second argument may be either the ABCD matrix describing the modulator or its NTF. In the latter case, the NTF is converted to a ZPK description and the structure that is simulated is the block-diagonal structure used by scipy's ``zpk2ss()``. The STF is assumed to be 1. nlev : int or sequence or ndarray Number of levels in the quantizers. Set ``nlev`` to a scalar for a signle quantizer modulator. Multiple quantizers are implied by making nlev an array. x0 : float or sequence or ndarray The initial status of the modulator. If ``x0`` is set to float, its value will be used for all the states. If it is set to a sequence of floats, each of its values will be assigned to a state variable. **Returns:** v : ndarray The quantizer output. xn : ndarray The modulator states. xmax : nedarray The maximum value that each state reached during simulation. y : ndarray The quantizer input (ie the modulator output). **Notes:** Three implementations of this function are (potentially) available to the user, in order of ascending execution speed: * A CPython implementation, always available. * A Cython-based implementation requiring the BLAS headers and a compatible compiler. * A Cython-based implementation accessing the BLAS library pre-compiled through scipy, requiring only a compatible compiler. The difference in execution time from the first implementation -- dynamically interpreted -- to the latter two -- statically compiled automatically before execution -- is a factor 20. The fastest available implementation is automatically selected. To assess which implementations are available in your installation, check the ``simulation_backends`` variable, for example:: from __future__ import print_function import deltasigma as ds print(ds.simulation_backends) Example output:: {'Scipy_BLAS': True, 'CBLAS': True, 'CPython': True} **Example:** Simulate a 5th-order binary modulator with a half-scale sine-wave input and plot its output in the time and frequency domains.:: import numpy as np from deltasigma import * OSR = 32 H = synthesizeNTF(5, OSR, 1) N = 8192 fB = np.ceil(N/(2*OSR)) f = 85 u = 0.5*np.sin(2*np.pi*f/N*np.arange(N)) v = simulateDSM(u, H)[0] Graphical display of the results: .. plot:: import numpy as np import pylab as plt from numpy.fft import fft from deltasigma import * OSR = 32 H = synthesizeNTF(5, OSR, 1) N = 8192 fB = np.ceil(N/(2*OSR)) f = 85 u = 0.5*np.sin(2*np.pi*f/N*np.arange(N)) v = simulateDSM(u, H)[0] plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7)) plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) t = np.arange(85) # the equivalent of MATLAB 'stairs' is step in matplotlib plt.step(t, u[t], 'g', label='u(n)') plt.hold(True) plt.step(t, v[t], 'b', label='v(n)') plt.axis([0, 85, -1.2, 1.2]); plt.ylabel('u, v'); plt.xlabel('sample') plt.legend() plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) spec = fft(v*ds_hann(N))/(N/4) plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 0.5, N/2 + 1), dbv(spec[:N/2 + 1])) plt.axis([0, 0.5, -120, 0]) plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel('dBFS/NBW') snr = calculateSNR(spec[:fB], f) s = 'SNR = %4.1fdB' % snr plt.text(0.25, -90, s) s = 'NBW = %7.5f' % (1.5/N) plt.text(0.25, -110, s) plt.xlabel("frequency $1 \\\\rightarrow f_s$") Click on "Source" above to see the source code. """ global warned if _simulateDSM_cblas or _simulateDSM_scipy_blas: if not _is_zpk(arg2) and not isinstance(arg2, np.ndarray): arg2 = _get_zpk(arg2) if _simulateDSM_cblas: return _simulateDSM_cblas(u, arg2, nlev, x0, store_xn=True, store_xmax=True, store_y=True) return _simulateDSM_scipy_blas(u, arg2, nlev, x0, store_xn=True, store_xmax=True, store_y=True) else: if not warned: warn('Using a slow implementation of simulateDSM\n' + 'Refer to the docs for how to switch to a fast one') warned = True return _simulateDSM_python(u, arg2, nlev, x0)